Healing the Mother Wound

Healing the divine feminine, in the form of the original mother wound has been a major theme in my life for the past while. Our mother is our first human contact upon incarnation and our feelings towards her lay the blueprint for what manifests in our lives.

My journey with mother healing began when I had intensely vivid dreams about my future daughter. At the time, I felt utterly unprepared to mother a child, in the sense that my own feelings towards my mother were unresolved. How could I be a way-shower for a child of the New Earth, if I had not yet cleansed my heart of unforgiveness?

I knew that to be the Goddess Mother I dreamt of being, it was imperative to heal those feelings, practise radical forgiveness, and learn to mother myself.

Before healing the mother wound, what we feel we can receive from our mothers is what we believe we are worthy of receiving from the Universe, and Life itself. Because of issues with my mother, I had trouble accepting abundance and found myself in various situations that reflected my internal feelings of lack and emotional poverty.

My material world reflected how I felt about myself, and how worthy of receiving I felt. As my life shifted, I realized there was beauty surrounding me, and yet my mother wound was standing in the way of treasuring and experiencing it. The realization that brought this to conclusion, was that my mother may not be able to give me what I need, but that is okay, because I can get what I need in other ways, or by providing it for myself. I can receive abundantly and experience great love, even if my mother can’t give me what I want and need at this time.

I have also been counselled by the angels and goddesses to see only love in this situation, and to focus on the eternal love that lies beneath all relationships, no matter how negative they may seem.

Kundalini Yoga and the Mother Wound

Kundalini yoga has the power to clear karma when practised regularly. For deep healing, I suggest Kirtan Kriya, as well as Ancestral Healing Kriya, which are simply meditations that can be done sitting down. I found all instructions and music for these on youtube and with a google search.
As I practise these Kriya’s, I can feel my heart releasing grief and resentment from as far back as childhood. Sometimes I even start crying in the middle of the meditation! I celebrate the tears as a part of the emotional detox. I am so grateful for this wonderful practise that is helping prepare me to be a healthy and vibrant parent when the time is right.

Nourishing your Heart Chakra

Each chakra has both higher and lower aspects that we can operate out of. Higher aspects are when we act in flow and express our authentic selves, in a confident and loving manner. Lower aspects are when we are acting out of a wounded area and attempting to heal and understand the hurt so we can move on. Many of us have a lower aspect pattern in our heart chakra that relates to being an emotional pincushion. 

This means we take on other peoples issues and allow their problems to merge with us. We do this because we are worried they won’t be able to handle their own problems, and we think that taking it on for them will help solve it. 

It is truly a kind thing to do, wanting other people to suffer less and have more solutions to their problems. However, we must not do their job for them by taking on their problems. 

No matter how much we love and care for them, we do not have the power to heal their own issues. They have their own strengths to handle life, just like we do. Some people may be less aware of these inner strengths. Yet they still exist nonetheless. 

Maybe they will ask for our help, in which case it’s a lovely task to assist them. But ultimately, it comes down to the fact that they are learning a lesson through this process and it is in everyone’s best interest to allow them the space to take responsibility for their issues, and help if they ask. 

Imagine something that is currently bothering you in your life, and telling a close friend about it. If they absorb the struggle into their heart, as a way to make you feel less alone, the initial problem remains. 

However, if they stay centred and simply show compassion and understanding, you will feel more inspired to handle the problem and be open to divine solutions.  

This is the gift we give to others (and ourselves!) when we radiate love and acceptance, rather than being an emotional pincushion. We actually are helping the other person by not absorbing the problem, by being an example of excellent self-care. 

The process of switching to this higher aspect of our heart chakras may take patience, but it is definitely worth doing as it will lead to a more harmonious and positive life experience. 

May we love ourselves enough to take responsibility of our own lives, and feel the freedom in doing so!